Don’t you love traditions? I do! Christmas time brings the best traditions I think.
Stinkerbell reaching for her first Christmas ornament. 2004
My favorite one that we have, is our ornament tradition. It started with my grandparents. Each year everyone gets an ornament that represents them that year. Then as the children get their own tree, they get all their childhood ornaments for their tree.
Diva and Brainiac in front of our 2006 tree.
This is a tradition we have continued as I have had kids. I have such a blast each year unwrapping the ornaments and seeing the kids faces light up. “That one is mine!”
Diva showing off an ornament in 2007
Each one brings back a flood of memories of that year, why we bought that child that ornament, and the significance behind it.
Bossman’s first year to help decorate. 2008
I love traditions!
Decorating the tree this year.
What are your favorite traditions in your family?
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