Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Stinkerbell is 6!!


Six years ago. I woke up around 4:30 am feeling crampy and icky. I was overdue with my third child.

I woke Casanova and told him if I was still feeling the same at 5 that he should call the midwife.  About 15 minutes later, I decided we weren’t waiting. So I woke him again and said CALL! He rolled over, looked at the clock said “Its not 5” and tried to go back to sleep. Since our midwife had at least a 45 minute drive, and my labors are fast and furious, I insisted he call.

I went and got into the warm bath to try and sooth my body during the contractions that now seemed to come right on top of each other.   The plan was to have a water birth. We had bought the pool, had it all inflated and ready to go.


The midwife showed up around 6:30 and I was in the tub working through the contractions, when Casanova came in and said he had to run to wal mart to pick up attachments for the sink to fill the pool. Um, nope. Gone were my visions of a water birth. I was concentrating to hard to freak about it though. Sitting in the hard bathtub was getting increasingly more painful, so I decided to switch to the shower, and let the water hit my back. This felt perfect, but I needed support, so on a whim I yanked Casanova into the shower with me. He was fully dressed, shoes, wallet everything. He scrambled to get his valuables out of the water as the contractions came rolling one after another. The hot water ran out and the midwife asked me to get out so I could be checked. I got out and gripped the bathroom sink while another contraction siezed my body. It was then that my water broke.

“Oh Crap!” were my words. I knew from experience that once the water broke it was about to get  HARD. I tried to lay down for the midwife to check me, but couldn’t. My body wasn’t having it. I squatted at the bottom of our bed and started saying “I can’t do this!” Casanova just smiled, because he knew that was transition for me, and baby wasn’t far behind.


The urge to push suddenly overcame me, and I couldn’t NOT push. I didn’t ask, I just said I’m pushing! It was 7:40am.

Perfect and beautiful, Stinkerbell entered this world at 7:42 am. May 12, 2004.

She was healthy, and perfect, and I was doing great. Casanova went and got me a McDonalds  hot breakfast while she and I were being monitored. I nursed her for the first time, she dozed off to sleep, and Casanova and I climbed back into our bed and took a well deserved nap. Life went on as it always had, she just fit right into the routine.

It was my one and only homebirth and I’d do it over again and again if I could.

She was full of personality from the beginning and every day has been an adventure.


She comes by her nickname honestly. She can be a stinker.


But she’s also oh so sweet. Just bats those big baby blue eyes, and thinks she can get away with anything.



Happy 6th Birthday Stinkerbell! I love you so!


{Kimber} on May 12, 2010 at 10:06 AM said...

awwwwwww....what a cool birth story {at least now!! hehe}
she is a beautiful little one too :)
Happy Birthday!

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