Friday, April 16, 2010

Public School, College and Casanova’s Kidney

This school year has been filled with difficulty. From bullies, to rude lunch ladies, to lying nurses, I have had my fill. I have homeschooled before. I know I am able to, and I know that I can do it well.

My fear is that if I pull the kids out of school, that I will end up having to drop out of college (again) because homeschooling is time consuming. I know it sounds selfish, but I don’t want to leave school!

I do not feel it is wrong of me to hold our school system to a high standard. We entrust them with our most precious people after all!

Next year, the kids will be in a different school- same district, different school. I am hoping this will result in a better experience.

There is a month and a half left of school. After today’s experience, I’m afraid I don’t know what to do. Pull them out and homeschool for the remainder of the year? Or suck it up for the remainder and hope for the best come fall. I hate choices like this.

As for Casanova’s kidney. If you follow me on twitter, on Tuesday you would have seen my tweet that doctors found a growth on his kidney.

How this all went down is a little crazy. You see, Casanova has had shoulder problems for years. He has been seeing a chiropractor, who ordered a MRI of his shoulder, neck and lower back. He had the MRIs done, well the chiro never received the report. Tuesday was his first appointment with his orthopedic doctor for his shoulder. We brought the MRI disc with us, and they called and got the report.

The PA came in and explained that they had found a growth on one of his kidneys. They recommended we get a sonogram as soon as possible to find out what was going on.

So today, at 3:30 central time, we will go for a sonogram. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried. But I am trying to just turn it all over to God.


Hair Bows & Guitar Picks on April 16, 2010 at 11:38 AM said...

You said it! Public schools have are kids all day they need to be held at a higher standard!

It's so hard and was such a hard decision for me to pull mine out but I want what is BEST for my kids!

Thank you for writing this today!

{Kimber} on April 16, 2010 at 12:41 PM said...

some districts just suck...they do...and I'm sorry...hopefully the new school will be better?

thinking and praying for your hubs :)
{and you}

Sheri, RN on April 17, 2010 at 9:25 PM said...

Hi! I’m also a Skinny Jeans member, and wanted to stop by your personal blog to say hello and follow you too. :)

GL to all of us in this, we’re in it together!

- Sheri

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