The other day while cleaning I came across a piece of paper on the floor. Not unheard of with four kids in the house. It had child writing on it, again not unheard of. Normally in my mommy state of mind I toss these without a second glance.
I’m glad I took the time to stop and read this one.
Brainiac had very clearly, and creatively written his letter to Santa. Allow my to translate.
To Santa Clause
From Brainiac
Insert drawing of DSi logo here
Dear Santa,
I want a DSi
insert drawing of DSi here along with the “click” of the camera
for Christmas
I found this adorable, because I know my son. His attention to detail (including the camera on the drawing, and an almost exact rendering of the logo) and his writing warm my heart.
I hope he won’t be to disappointed not to find a DSi in his stocking. He and I recently had a discussion since his birthday is in March, that Casanova and I will chip in some, he can sell his DS lite, and use his birthday money from grandparents to buy a brand new DSi. Apparently he wrote to Santa because he’s a tad impatient and figured he was his last shot at getting once for Christmas!
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