Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Yo Tweeps: Twaffic Exchange!

Sooooo, I’m trying to be a Tweeter. Really. With the addition of Chloe to my techno family, (for newcomers, Chloe is my new Android phone that makes my life so easy peasy now!) tweeting is at my fingertips.

So I decided to jump on Chief and Supah’s bandwagon once more and try this out to get some followers.

By: Twitter Buttons

To play along and increase your twitter twaffic do the following:
1. Click on my twitter Icon above. Follow me first of all!
2. MAKE A BLOG POST LIKE I am doing. Copy and Paste these directions.
3. Grab the YO Tweeps Twaffic Exchange Button. Put him in your post.
(He's so cute. Put him on your sidebar too if you're that kinda girl. )

5. Put a twitter icon / link on your blog post like I did. It should directly link to your TWITTER PROFILE.

By: Twitter Buttons
6. Now link up your post below!
7. Visit some other #YOTweeps linkers on the list.
8. Follow them if you choose and shout out to them on twitter that you are following so they can instantly follow you if they're on. (Follow their blog as well if you're interested.)
@mlynette981 #yotweeps I'm following!
9. If someone follows you JUST reciprocate. It's that easy.


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