The day after Christmas. I’m sitting here listening to the air mattress be deflated, the coffee brewing, a few still sleeping, and the lazy arousing of this Saturday morning.
With such a large family, we usually trade off holidays, the in laws get Thanksgiving, my family gets 4th of July and Easter. But come Christmas- everyone wants a piece.
Since moving away from ‘home’ its been extra complicated to make sure there is enough of us to go around. This year my parents and siblings came up on Monday/Tuesday. We spent Christmas eve with friends, and Christmas day the in laws came up. It was a crazy whirlwind week, and I’ve loved every minute of it.
Except maybe that part. The mess! I’m sure I’ll be picking up twist ties long into 2010. I think they multiply.
I think the kids were happy with everything they got.
We had a white Christmas. In Texas. Dallas. Seriously.
And Diva grew up before my eyes.
Hope everyone had an awesome Christmas!
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