I loved being a young mom. I still do. I'm 28. I have four kids, and we're done.
Becoming a mom changes things. It changes how you look at life. It changes your decision making process. Becoming a mom even sometimes changes how you look at politics. It changes how you look at your spouse- he's no longer just your husband, now he's daddy to the one that melts your heart.
But there are somethings that stay the same too. Or at least, they should.
Becoming a mom doesn't change who you are. It actually took me a while to realize this. When the children started coming I through myself away and went headfirst into being Diva's mom. Then Diva and Brainiac and so on and so forth.
All these years flew by and then one morning I wake up my eyes and think. Who am I? I lost myself. I suffered serious mommy guilt as I tried to reclaim me in the chaos. I have gotten better though, I've gotten better at saying "This is mommy time" and not feeling guilty. Sure it doesn't happen often, but my kids now know, mommy time is important. I spend time doing things that I enjoy, and remembering who I am. And I'm a better mom because of it.
Becoming a mom changes things. You actually have to schedule time for yourself. When did that happen?
I am with you! this weekend I went away without kids and it was SOOOO AWESOME!!!
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